JAKARTA - A survey from the World Bank and McKinsey stated that Indonesia needed 9 million digital talents in the 2015-2030 period. To fulfill this, Indonesia needs to score at least 6,000 people in the technology sector every year.

As a company's consistency in helping the government score qualified digital talents, Sinar Mas Land presents educational scholarship programs and coding training.

This year, the company has graduated 10 coding scholarship participants from one of the educational institutions in the technology sector, namely Techpolitan BSD City. The scholarship recipient participants in the seventh batch have completed the training program for 2 months which they participated in directly.

Various trainings in the digital field have been obtained by selected participants including, programming language training both front-end and back-end, as well as soft skills development to strengthen interpersonal abilities.

In this program, Sinar Mas Land collaborates with Techpolitan as a non-formal institution in the field of information technology (TI) to organize the education scholarship program and coding training for high school graduates, vocational schools, and universities/Universities as provision in facing the world of work later.

With this program, Managing Director of President Office Sinar Mas Land, Dony Martadisata, hopes to produce more local human resources that have global standard digital competencies.

"Because, actually, one of the keys to success in digital transformation is creating reliable digital talent pools to meet the needs of the digital technology industry which is growing rapidly," Dony said in an official statement received on Wednesday, December 27.

The implementation of scholarship programs and coding training began with the basic ability test stage as well as interviews in the period August September 2023. More than 50 participants registered for this seventh batch, but only 10 selected participants met the requirements for training.

Not only providing scholarships, Sinar Mas Land also helped distribute awards that passed the training program to a number of technology companies to startups.

Currently, some participants are absorbed by a number of technology companies such as PT Total Global Services (WGS), WGS Hub, Emveep Tech, AppChef, to startup companies from the Startup Studio Indonesia program initiated by the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information.

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