JAKARTA Apple TV changed their interface user (UI) on Monday, December 11. According to Apple, the latest design from Apple TV can help users access new programs.

In the latest view, Apple TV subscribers can see a row of series and films that won the Apple award. They can also watch live broadcasts of sporting events and other television shows on Apple devices.

Now, Apple TV has a platform to access original Apple films, Major League Soccer (MLS) Season Entrance Tickets, MLS headquarters, shops to buy or rent movies, to other channels such as Disney, Paramount, and Max.

The redesigned Apple TV application makes it easier for users to watch events, films, and sports that they like through intuitive interfaces, said Apple's Senior Vice President of Services, Eddy Cue.

Selain akses yang lebih beragam, navigationdebar juga memiliki tabbaru dengan nama Beranda. Sama seperti aplikasi pada umumnya, Beranda akan menampilkan beberapa acara, film, dan tayangan olahraga yang direkomendasikan.

Still in the Home section, users can access movies or shows outside of Apple TV's production on the Channel and Application menu. This section will display various collections such as New Events and Films, Top Song Charters, Trending, and For You.

Especially for Apple TV dismartTV, users can see the display of the profile of the dissipbar. With this new look, users can switch profiles quickly. Meanwhile, the latest Apple TV shop will bring together films and TV shows into one offer.

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