JAKARTA Since Stories was released to free users earlier this year, Telegram has continued to develop the feature. The company is trying to perfect Stories with a variety of new tools.

Recently, Telegram added a feature to re-upload Stories belonging to friends or favorite channels that are followed. Just like Instagram, the re-uploaded Stories will enter your Stories.

Whenever you share uploads from another account, Telegram will include the real uploader name under your account name. When other users click on the real uploader's name, they will immediately see the user's original Stories.

This new feature can increase the number of audiences. In addition to getting an audience from the original account, the audience from the original uploader will increase if people continue to share their uploads. This is considered profitable by Telegram.

In addition to being able to re-upload, Telegram users can also add various reactions via text, audio, or video messages. Interestingly, this video message can be recorded directly when you want to re-sharing Stories uploads.

Video messages are actually similar to videos that you often see on TikTok. The reshared uploads will be background, while recorded video messages will appear at the front, but do not cover the screen.

Telegram said that "Video messages can be changed in size and moved around the screen, as well as along the time axis to start or end any frame. The creative possibility is unlimited."

All these updates will appear in the Android version, but you still have to wait. According to a Telegram statement, this feature is being reviewed by the Google Play Store before its release globally.

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