JAKARTA - Just like other countries that are making regulations for the development and use of Artificial Intelligence, the Indonesian government through the Ministry of Communication and Information will immediately issue a Circular Letter from the Minister of Communication and Information on Ethical Guidelines AI.

However, Deputy Minister of Communication and Information, Nezar Patria, said that the contents of this SE would not follow regulations from other countries. Instead, it will be adjusted again to the rules and norms that apply in Indonesia.

"Actually, we don't go anywhere. So the matter of the school is actually like Europe, it's more about the principle (AI), if America is more about the application, if the Chinese is more about innovation, and also they are concerned about safety too," Nezar told the media at the Media Gathering Kominfo event on Friday, November 24 at The Westin, Jakarta.

Nezar also added, "We are trying to summarize the best of all existing approaches and adapt to the norms that exist in us as well. Because that's an approach in terms of value, because AI will also live in the context of locality later."

According to the Deputy Minister of Communication and Information, this is in line with the ethical approach of AI regulations carried out by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

Nezar realized that this SE would not be the final regulation that could solve all problems related to the development and use of AI in Indonesia. However, this SE is at least expected to be a reference for other stakeholders.

"Of course this is only part of it, we haven't adjusted everything, or this regulation will be like the final thing, yes, and can solve everything. At least, we can first provide value in the design of development and use of AI for every existing model, that used to be the target," he said.

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