JAKARTA - Worldcoin, a project that uses eye-slicing biometric technology to create a human identity database, announced major changes in the supply of outstanding WLD tokens and loans to market creators or Market Makers. The project was launched last July.

The supply of WLD tokens in circulation rose to 134 million tokens from 100 million tokens at the launch. Worldcoin stated that this increase was due to more than 800,000 new and old users who received 34 million free tokens through the grant program. To increase liquidity, Worldcoin lent 100 million WLD to five market creators until October 24, 2023.

Worldcoin, backed by Openai CEO Sam Altman, extended its loan until December 15 and reduced its number to 75 million WLD. On October 24, market creators can return or buy 25 million tokens at a certain price, which could lower the supply of tokens in circulation. In addition, Worldcoin will reward WLD, not USDC, to Orb eye slice scanner operators.

Worldcoin claims that their eye slice database can prevent fraud and facilitate access to services such as banking and voting. However, there are concerns about centralized nature and data management from several data watchdogs in France, Kenya, and other countries.

Despite growing rapidly, only 1.34% of the total supply of WLD tokens reached 10 billion currently in circulation. Worldcoin continues to provide grants to attract new users. This latest change is aimed at reducing market creator dominance and providing more incentives to network participants.

According to a Bitcoin.com News report, most WLD supplies are currently held by Worldcoin and market makers. There are 750,157 unique addresses that have WLD, with the top 100 holders controlling 92.74% of the maximum supply.

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