JAKARTA - Currently, there are millions of applications that aim to make work easier so that productivity increases. However, the more tools employees use it will have the opposite impact.
Seeing this phenomenon, Gamatechno developed the Worldspace application, which helps companies to provide communication tools, collaboration and personnel to one, as well as facilitate employee access and facilitate companies with their independent tools.
In terms of communication between internal teams, the company is facilitated by ease of communicating using internal messaging features. Unlike the usual chat platform, Worldspace can communicate without storing other employee numbers.
Worldspace also allows companies to spread one-way information using broadcast messages. In this case, admins can choose or filter anyone who can receive this broadcast message.
Not only that, but Worldspace also provides convenience in managing assignments. All employees can easily manage work/task agendas through employee tagging, notification and comment features to ensure all employees cooperate well.
Through the leave feature, employees will be able to apply for leave directly through the application and automatically find out the rest or the leave quota they have.
Apart from leave, there is also an approval feature with a tiered approval mechanism from direct superiors and HR which allows employees to monitor the status of applying for leave.
So, when employees apply for leave, superiors and HR can see information on leave such as taking annual leave, sick leave, giving birth, and others for further approval.
In the event of the distribution of information updates, both company information and gathering activities, HR can use broadcast personnel capable of reaching all employees.
With the various features offered, Worldspace not only makes it easier for employees to do their jobs, but the company also gets a lot of benefits in terms of the company's communication media, the company's directory and as a variety of centralized tools that can do a lot.
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