YOGYAKARTA Do you know what roasting data is? This term often moves on television screens and online media during the holiday season, where many people travel abroad or when the Hajj season arrives.
Well, in this article, VOI will review what the data roasting and its function are on smartphones. Check out the information below.
Summarized from various sources, roasting data is a reference for connection to the mobile internet network. Roaming data will work if the phone is not connected to the network because it is out of reach. For example, when the user is abroad, it still uses domestic providers.
When you are abroad, your phone network cannot be reached. In this condition, the phone will automatically look for other networks around the location. Usually, domestic providers have collaborated with telecommunications service providers in the country, so customers can still use providers from their home countries.
However, the roasting feature will only activate when you have activated it first before leaving for overseas.
The cost of activating the roasting feature varies depending on the internet service provider used.
Roaming Data Function
As mentioned above, the roasting of data is a reference for connection to the mobile internet network. The role of data roasting includes:
How To Enable Roaming Data
How to activate data roasting on Android and iOS phones is actually quite easy. On Android-based phones, the data roasting feature can be activated with the following steps:
While how to activate data roasting on iOS phones, namely:
That's what information about what data roasting and its function are and how to activate it. Get other selected news updates only on VOI.ID.
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