YOGYAKARTA - TikTok Award Indonesia 2023 is an award event that content creators have been waiting for. This annual award is held to appreciate the country's creators who consistently produce inspiring, entertaining, and positive impacts on audiences this year.

TikTok Award Indonesia 2023 will be held at RCTI on October 12, 2023, with the theme #BigOnTheSmallScreen. TikTok wants to show how small steps to upload creative video content are not only entertaining, but can also have a big impact on the community and the wider community outside this platform.

Creators have proven to be able to take advantage of various tools and features on TikTok to share inspiration in various fields, ranging from technology, education, business, environmental conservation, and so on. So what are the nominations for the TikTok Award Indonesia 2023 this time?

The implementation of the TikTok Awards Indonesia 2023 this year has two nominations consisting of two parts, namely Public's Vote and Judge' Pick. Public's Vote is the nomination election taken based on the voting of fans and communities on TikTok. Meanwhile, Judges Pick is based on the jury's assessment.

TikTok Awards 2023 also presents two new categories, namely TikTok Shop Creator of the Year for affiliate creators. TikTok Shop Creator of the Year is intended for creators who support the development of local businesses on TikTok Shop. While Popular Effect of the Year will be awarded to creators behind special effects in content creativity on TikTok.

In addition, TikTok has also opened a special category, namely Changemakers of The Year. This category highlights three creators who have had a positive impact on the economy, environment, and community in Indonesia throughout 2023. The selection of nominees in this year's TikTok award is based on several assessments.

For the criteria, we select nominations based on several factors. Starting from followers, the number of followers. Continue to Engagement rate, and what is certain is the quality of the content that the nominations have. Apart from that, we also have a further evaluation including public sentiment, continue to have an impact on whether these content can produce a positive impact that brings inspiration. Just like that for the criteria," said Karina Mahaya, Senior Marketing Manager of TikTok Indonesia, on Wednesday (27/9).

The following are the names of content creators who are nominated for the TikTok Award Indonesia 2023, based on the categories of Public's Vote and Judge' Pick.

Here are the nominees and selected creators in the Public's Vote category:

Here are the nominees and selected creators in the Judges Pick category:

Such is the review of the nominations and categories of the TikTok Awards Indonesia 2023. This prestigious award event this year will be broadcast live on the RCTI, TikTok Live @officialrcti, and the RCTI+ platform on October 12 starting at 21.00 WIB.

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