JAKARTA - A green comet or dubbed the Comet ZTF suddenly undergoes unusual changes. This celestial body can be seen from Earth for the first time since the Ice Age.

In recent weeks, the comet ZTF has caused a stir as it is sliding towards Earth, which is quite close to the planet so that it can be seen with the naked eye.

This approach, will be the first closest distance for 50,000 years on February 1. Furthermore, the unusual change suggests the tail of the comet has been released.

The event can be seen from the image taken by comet hunter Michael J samenger, dubbed by scientists as a stop, in which his tail is carried away by the solar wind.

A study in 2018, described the event as the most remarkable phenomenon of a plasma tail forming behind the comet.

This phenomenon occurs during intense times of the solar wind. The weather separates the tail and head of the comet, and is considered the result of the electrostatic field that forms behind it.

In some cases quoted from The Independent, Tuesday, January 24, the cut could be so strong that the comet's tail was detached. This is a busy period for the ejection of coronal masses (CMEs), which can cause strong gusts of the solar wind.

There are a number of CMEs passing through comets, which are approaching Earth and the Sun at a busy time for solar activity. Astronomers including those at home will be able to track comets as they approach Earth, and can even observe comet changes while doing so.

As the comet ZTF gets closer, it and maybe its tail can be seen with the naked eye. The tail makes most of it visible in comets, although the object itself may only be a few miles wide, the tail behind it can stretch for thousands of miles, which consists of dust and is ejected from objects, and dumped by the heat of the sun.

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