JAKARTA - Fried food has become a favorite snack for the Indonesian people. From fried bananas to bakwan, almost all types of fried foods always sell well in the market. However, what happens if fried foods are made from flowers?

Recently, a viral video on social media showed someone serving an unusual fried food, a fried daisy flower.

The video shows the process of making this unique snack. The beautiful white daisy flower is smeared in a mixture of gram flour that has been peppered, then fried until it is golden brown.

After cooked, the fried flower is placed in a basket to cool. The result is crunchy fried foods with a distinctive floral aroma.

This unique creation immediately stole the attention of netizens. The video, which was uploaded on the @foodiiiijunction Instagram account, has been watched more than 8.5 million times and sparked various reactions in the comments column. Some people find this idea interesting and creative.

"Wow, it's very aesthetic! I'm curious about the taste," wrote one netizen.

There are also netizens who call this fried food an "aesthetic package," referring to the term typical Indian fried food. However, not a few also feel sorry for the flowers used.

"Why is such a beautiful flower fried? Let it remain a flower," commented a netizen.

"Please, flowers should not be used as fried foods. There are still many other ingredients that can be eaten." said another netizen.

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