JAKARTA - After introducing the concept with its first scroll screen, namely the OPPO Find X 2021. Now, OPPO is introducing another mobile concept called the New Slide.

Seeing the word Slide or slide means that this OPPO smartphone will be able to be shifted when operated. Although the teaser uploaded by OPPO shows a cellphone mechanism that looks more like a folding cellphone.

According to information quoted from the GSM Arena, the cellphone concept is the result of a collaboration between OPPO and Japanese design studio Nendo. This phone is also rumored to be equipped with sylus.

OPPO new phone concept (GSM Arena)

Others, OPPO and Nendo are not only working on the concept of a cellphone, but also the concept of TWS, where a pair of earphones can be connected to the case, but they can still stick together and become one. The case can be placed over a smart speaker with wireless charging and music will continue to play on the speaker.

For your information, to develop the roll screen concept, OPPO already has 122 patents. Of that number, 12 of them hit the scroll screen mechanism.

It is equipped with an OLED screen along with a continuously variable concept that allows the cellphone screen to be stretched, where the minimum size is 6.7 inches and the maximum is 7.4 inches.

With a screen like this it will make the display wider and will improve the experience when using it for reading, watching streaming videos, and playing games. It is known, the rolling screen concept on the OPPO X 2021 uses three cutting-edge technologies, namely the motorized roll powertrain, 2-in-1 Plate, and also Warp Track.

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