JAKARTA - The largest crypto platform in Indonesia, Indodax officially reported the Twitter account Dark Tracer (@darktracer_int) to the authorities for the hoax allegedly spread by the account some time ago.

According to the CEO of Indodax, Oscar Darmawan, the issue of the leak of 50,000 user credentials has hurt Indodax's image as a trusted crypto platform and has also caused unrest for members and all crypto activists in the country.

"We finally took this step after we consulted with the law. We as Indodax management consider that Dark Tracer spreads rumors that are not true without confirming it with us first," said Oscar in his official statement, quoted on Wednesday, September 21.

"By uploading hoax issues on social media accounts from Dark Tracer and being seen by many people, it certainly attacks the brand that we have built so far as a trusted crypto company in Indonesia. Since the beginning of Indodax, we have always focused on the safety and comfort of our members, " he added.

Furthermore, Oscar said that Indodax would criminalize the Dark Tracer account with articles of defamation and manipulation of electronic information.

Oscar said, in practice Indodax has guaranteed the confidentiality and security of member data. Moreover, Indodax already holds three ISO certifications at once, namely ISO 9001, ISO 27001, and ISO 27017.

Thus, Indodax is the only Indonesian crypto company that has three ISO certifications and has obtained legality from crypto regulators in Indonesia.

Indodax has also established an MFA (multi factor authentication) system and uses MPC (multi-party computation) and TAP (transaction authorization policy) technologies to secure member assets so that they cannot be accessed without the member's approval.

"With this system, we do it for the full protection of members. Regarding the twitter hoax issue yesterday, I dispute this because we have confirmed that the Indodax server is secure and there is no 50,000 data leaked from the Indodax server as reported. I can make sure our servers are secure,” explained Oscar.

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