JAKARTA - The wrong message is a shameful thing. There are already several messaging applications that have a feature to pull the message back or for everyone, one of which is WhatsApp.

The delete message feature is nothing new for this very popular messaging app, but it seems that Meta is improving on the feature.

In the past, WhatsApp allowed users to delete messages 'for everyone' within a maximum of 1 hour. After 1 hour, your messages can no longer be deleted.

But now, the company announced on Twitter that users will still be able to delete messages for up to two days. This is progress.

"Rethinking your message? You will now have a little more than 2 days to delete your message from your chat once you hit send," the company wrote.

But there are things to note before you do deletion, the first is that you have to make sure the recipient of the message has to update his WhatsApp to the latest version for this to really work.

To start using this new feature actually nothing has changed. Just open the WhatsApp group or individual chat where you sent the message. Then tap and hold the message you want to delete, click Delete > "Delete for everyone" or "Delete for me".

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