JAKARTA - Dragon Quest XII: The Flames of Fate was officially announced almost a year ago, by Orca as one of the co-Developers.

The latest Dragon Quest XII in the "Dragon Quest" series which is currently being produced by Square Enix has revealed a few details, namely that the game will be developed on Unreal Engine 5.

At that time, the developer was in the stage of recruiting the Unreal Engine 5 development staff to work on this RPG along with the yet to be announced EU-developed game content.

On his occasion at Quest Day 2022, Dragon Quest 12 series director and co-creator Yuji Horii revealed that Square Enix is currently working on the title, and there will be more content about Dragon Quest.

“We are working hard to build Dragon Quest 12, but there will be many more Dragon Quests that will accompany you to completion,” Horii was quoted as saying by Gematsu.

Horii could not confirm when these further details would be shared. However, Horii said that they will be releasing many new Dragon Quest titles this year, namely Dragon Quest X Offline and Dragon Quest Treasures.

And the mobile version of Dragon Quest Builders is ready to go. It will soon be available for download from the app store, so please have a look. Or for more information about this game, visit our official website.

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