JAKARTA - YouTube has re-developed the feature of TikTok's competitor, Shorts to get ahead by presenting its new analytics tab.

From this analytical data, later content creators can better understand how the various types of content they upload are performing.

Where creators used to see the Reach and Engagement tabs in YouTube Studio's Analytics, the company has now replaced them with a new Content tab.

The two tabs were previously known to detail views, watch time, traffic sources, and other data for content on the channel as a whole.

But now, the new Content tab will break down data by content type. Creators will see the Video, Shorts, Live, and Post tabs which will provide reach and engagement data that were not previously grouped by content type.

For content creators who want to see all the data at the same time as it was before the update, the All tab will take care of that too.

Of course bringing the ability to separate content types in analytics is a big change for content creators, and it doesn't make sense to compare the watch time data from those 60 second clips with longer content that gives users more runtime minutes.

"Our hope is that by creating a Content tab and separating this format in Analytics, our creators will have the insight they need to tailor a content plan that will best help them achieve their goals," said YouTube Analytics Product Lead Robin Zueger. Friday, May 27.

According to Zueger, content creators who share their videos across all social media aka multiformat creators will benefit from this change as it will help them better connect their fans with the right content at the right time.

"Content creators' ability to view and compare views across different video formats will help them create a content strategy that is best suited for their channel and community," said Zueger.

Finally, content creators will see the changes immediately on desktop, iOS, and Android. In addition to creator content, the platform also brings updates for viewers, where YouTube previously launched a content tab on the channel page on mobile devices that allows fans to view video Shorts, live streams, or uploaded video content.

But now YouTube is looking for more ways to make content more specific to each type. "We think there's more opportunity to really tailor the analytics of any given type of content to a specific aspect of the format," said Zueger.

"We look forward to building on this model in future iterations of YouTube Analytics."

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