YOGYAKARTA - Google Mail or Gmail currently has a new feature, namely Chat and Spaces which allows users to chat like other instant messages such as WhatsApp or Telegram.
The application was created to answer the challenges of technology that continues to grow. Today, many technology companies continue to innovate, and Google is no exception.
After the success of the Google Meeting feature which is used to conduct video conferencing, Gmail has begun to develop an instant messaging feature in their application.
To make development easier, they acquired Workplace which has a Chat and Spaces application. The feature is then installed into Gmail and can be activated by making Gmail settings.
After enabling it, users can start new chats with other Chat and Spaces users in Gmail, who already have the feature enabled.
You can find out how to start a chat in Gmail's newest feature by following the steps that have been compiled by the VOI team below.
How to Start a Chat in Gmail
To start a new chat, the first step you can take is to tap on the Chat icon which is at the bottom of your Gmail main page. Its position is next to Mail, and Meet.
Next, the user can tap the name of the person you want to chat with. Users can also view a list of contacts that are already linked to your Gmail account to start a chat.
If you want to create a group chat, users can type the name of the first person you want to chat with, then click the group icon that appears after you type the name.
In the same field, users can enter the names of other people who are connected to your Gmail to have group conversations in Gmail.
People you invite to a chat, whether private or group, will get a link in their email. They can choose to accept your invitation or ignore it.
The notification will appear when the user is operating one of Google's products using the same email account.
When you write a new message in the field provided, the user can choose a variety of emoji, photos, and videos to send to your chat friends.
If you want to include documents, photos, or files stored on your Google Drive, users can click on the plus icon at the bottom of your Gmail homepage.
That's the way to start a chat in Gmail's new Chat and Spaces feature that works like an instant messaging app on your smartphone.
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