JAKARTA - The Cyber 1 building fire incident, which is located in the West Kuningan area, Mampang Prapatan, South Jakarta, yesterday had a huge impact on technology companies, where a number of application and website servers experienced long-term disruptions.

The fire on Thursday, December 2 at the Cyber Building was caused by an electrical short circuit (short circuit).

"It is suspected that it was due to a short circuit. There was no fire spreading, only smoke on the second floor," said Head of the South Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept., Herbert Plider of Gaol Competition at the fire site, as previously reported by VOI.

Cyber 1 building is reported to have a data center used by a number of technology companies, including Shopee, Niagahoster, Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics Council (BMKG), and Ajaib. The following is a list of applications and websites that were down due to the fire, some of which have recovered.


This e-commerce application with the orange logo had experienced problems on its platform so that both partners and users could not access it. However, it did not last long because the service is now back to normal.

"Due to the fire in the Cyber Building, some Shopee services as well as our partner services were disrupted. However, users and partners need not worry, transactions that have been made by customers and partners will be able to be re-done immediately. All data and accounts are also in a safe condition," said Shopee Indonesia's Head of Public Affairs, Radynal Nataprawira in an official statement.


One of the web hosting services, Niagahoster, was also affected by the Cyber Building fire. The company's website was not accessible at all yesterday, but is now recovering slowly.

"Currently the network servers are up and one by one the networks have been established, so the website should be able to be accessed properly, please check again, Hoster People," tweeted @Niagahoster.


Likewise with the BMKG website, which also went down after the Cyber Building fire. BMKG Juanda Surabaya forecast, Ary Pulung yesterday confirmed this. However, now the BMKG website can be accessed again.

"Sorry, currently the BMKG server is still having problems. Please understand. The public can also access information through the call center 021-196 or follow @infobmkg," said Ary.

Ajaib Investasi

The Magic Investment Application was also affected, users were unable to make transactions on the platform. However, on his Twitter account, Magic Investments has notified users of the impact of the Cyber Building fire incident.

"The data center has experienced a fire incident, while there will be disruptions in transactions," tweeted @ajaib_investasi.


Disruptions also occurred in the online cinema ticket purchase application, M-Tix. The company confirmed through its Twitter account, requesting that users immediately buy tickets offline at the cinema, because due to a fire the application was down too.

"Hi Buddy XXI, sorry for the inconvenience that is happening to the m.tix application. Our team is trying to overcome this problem. For friends XXI who want to watch cool movies on the Cinema XXI network, you can buy tickets offline directly at the cinema location," tweeted @cinema21.

Samsat Digital (SIGNAL)

SIGNAL in its tweet also confirmed that the app is inaccessible, and is working to restore it to its original state.

"Sorry for the inconvenience. We inform you that currently the entire Cyber 1 Building where the SIGNAL Data Center is located is currently being cut off due to the building fire incident. The SIGNAL application service is temporarily inaccessible," tweeted @SamsatDigital.


PT Indo Premier Sekuritas' financial application was also affected by the Cyber Building fire. This is because the corporate data network resides there.

Rumah Web Indonesia

Apart from Niagahoster, another hosting service affected is Rumah Web Indonesia. "To all RW residents, we inform you that the building used by our data center (Cyber Building) has experienced a fire incident," @rumahwebtweet.

But now the company is making improvements by separating their servers, "Recovery Plan Update 02-12-2021 19:20: The Rumahweb data center network in Neucentrix Yogyakarta is separated from the core networking in an effort to revive access to the data center," tweeted @homewebtweet.


The business management application Youtap also confirmed that there had been a disruption for merchants via an email that the company sent to its customers. Youtap explained, the disturbance occurred as a result of the Cyber Building fire, where the INDOREG domain they used was stored.

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