YOGYAKARTA - PSIM Yogyakarta made a pilgrimage to the graves of kings in Kotagede and Imogiri. This pilgrimage became a routine tradition for PSIM before competing.

PSIM routinely makes pilgrimages every time before the competition. Entering Liga 2 2024/2025, Friday, September 6, 2024 evening WIB, Laskar Mataram returned to make a pilgrimage to the graves of kings.

Pilgrimage activities are carried out not only to strengthen team ties and self-reflection. Pilgrimage also provides opportunities for players to get to know the culture and history of Yogyakarta.

Laskar Mataram left the city of Yogyakarta at around 17.00 WIB. The team arrived at the graves of kings in Kotagede shortly before the Maghrib call.

The players and entourage who embraced Islam performed the prayer first before carrying out a series of pilgrimages.

This pilgrimage is a routine tradition for PSIM Jogja before starting to compete every season. The goal, in addition to strengthening team ties and self-reflection, this pilgrimage is also an opportunity for players to get to know Yogyakarta's culture and history better.

When they enter the tomb, they must wear traditional Mataram clothes. Next, they entered the tomb area of the kings and made a pilgrimage.

Pilgrimage activities are a new experience for the players, especially those who have just joined PSIM this season. Edgard Amping, one of the players who made the pilgrimage here for the first time, expressed his enthusiasm.

"I feel enthusiastic. This is a new experience. In addition, I can get to know more about Yogyakarta culture," said Edgard, who came from Mamuju, Sulawesi.

The series of activities in the tomb should not be documented. This is intended so that the pilgrimage takes place in a sacred and full of meaning.

This pilgrimage at the first location ended at around 19.45 WIB. The Mataram Laskar group immediately went to the second place, namely the graves of kings in Imogiri. The journey there takes about half an hour.

When they arrived at the graves of the kings of Imogiri, the players performed the Isha prayer first. Next, they immediately changed traditional clothes there and took a photo together before entering the tomb area of the kings of Imogiri. The atmosphere of silence and sacredness was felt when they were about to start performing a series of pilgrimage activities in the tomb area.

A Japanese player, Yusaku Yamadera, said he was very happy because he could experience the opportunity to make a pilgrimage this time. According to him, this is an unforgettable experience.

"It feels mixed. This is my first experience here. And, I don't know what to do. I'm just confused. But, I'm very enthusiastic," said Yamadera.

"I am very happy to feel here to do this tradition. And, I really appreciate this extraordinary opportunity and rarely get it," he said further.

The entire series of pilgrimage activities inside the tomb areas of the kings in Imogiri should also not be documented. It also maintains the sacredness of activities.

For coach Seto Nurdiyantoro, this pilgrimage to the graves of kings is a tradition that always makes him miss him. "Of course there is a sense of separate journey. Even though he has often come here, he always misses things like this," he said.

Furthermore, he also saw the main meaning of this activity for the players, especially the first time he participated in the pilgrimage.

"This is the first experience for some players. We pray for our ancestors. The point is like that. This reminds us that one day we will also die," he explained.

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