JAKARTA Tears from athletes on the big stages of sporting events are common. Usually it happens when the athlete in question achieves the achievements he dreams of.

This moment was recently seen when badminton athlete Leani Ratri Oktila took the highest podium to get a gold medal at the Paris 2024 Paralympics which is currently underway.

Ratri triumphed in badminton in the mixed doubles number SL3-SU5 classification with his partner Hikmat Ramdani. Both won a gold medal after defeating compatriots, Fredy Setiawan/Khalimatus Sadiyah, on Monday, September 2, 2024.

The finals of the two pairs made Indonesia automatically lock up one gold medal and silver medal. However, the gold medal struggle felt so emotional for the four athletes who competed.

Leani Ratri Oktila couldn't hold back her tears after making sure she won in two straight sets, 21-16 and 21-15. Ratri was happy, but also sad because she had to destroy Khalimatus' hopes of winning gold.

Khalimatus was Ratri's duet partner when they won the gold medal in the women's doubles number SL3-SU5 at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympics, which was delayed for a year due to the corona pandemic.

Unfortunately, the women's doubles number was not competed in the 2024 Paralympics, so the two were forced to separate and play in mixed doubles. Who would have thought they actually met in the final.

"If the opponent is from different countries, we will be more released. However, this is used to being together, especially in this Paralympic there are no women's doubles, which I should be with Khalimatus. Now I'm an opponent," said Ratri.

Apart from this momentum, Leani Ratri admitted that she was very happy because she was able to return to her best performance. Moreover, she was not confident because she had just given birth.

Ratri said that the decision to choose Hikmat Ramdani as a new partner was very appropriate. He revealed that Hikmat brings dual motivation.

"I chose Hikmat who was still young, which maybe just started to dare to appear. I am determined again, I believe and Hikmat also motivates me. Especially with a very big ambition because I am still young," he said.

Meanwhile, Hikmat could not hide his joy at winning the first gold medal at the Paralympics. He admitted that he was very happy to have a duet partner like Leani Ratri.

"Good partner, a lot of motivation while on the field or off the field. Hopefully in the future Mbak Ratri will not retire first," said Hikmat.

Indonesia currently still occupies the 30th position in the 2024 Paralympic standings. The Red-White contingent has collected a total of 12 medals with details of one gold, six silver, and five bronze.

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