JAKARTA The Dutch were criticized by Australia for deciding to bring the convicted rape of Steven van de Velde in the contingent to the 2024 Paris Olympics.

The head of the Australian contingent, Anna Meares, did not want to comment specifically on the Dutch decision. However, he emphasized that bringing someone who has legal problems into the team is something his country will never do.

"If athletes or staff members have criminal problems, they will not be allowed to be members of our team. We have strict policies in terms of the culture of protection within our team," he was quoted as saying by the BBC.

The 29-year-old beach volleyball athlete was sentenced to four years in prison in 2016 after pleading guilty of raping a 12-year-old British girl.

Van de Velde, who was 19 at the time, initially became acquainted with his victims through Facebook social media.

He then decided to travel from Amsterdam to England and then raped the victim at an address in Milton Keynes. His actions sentenced him to four years in prison.

Steven van de Velde served part of his sentence in England before being transferred to the Netherlands and served the rest of his sentence there in accordance with legal norms in his home country.

However, he resumed his beach volleyball career in 2017 after serving only 12 months of his sentence. Then, in June 2024, yesterday he was also elected to the Dutch Olympic team to Paris.

"After being released, Van de Velde sought and received professional counseling. He showed the people around him, personally and professionally, insight and self-reflection," the Dutch Olympic Committee (NOC) said.

NOC said Van de Velde's return to the coastal volleyball team had met the guidelines set by the Dutch Volleyball Federation (NeVoBo) in the organization's "Guidelines Integrity Note".

Dalam pedomaan tersebut, ada syarat bagi para atlet untuk bisa kembali bersaing setelah melewati masa menjadi penjara.

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) said that the selection of athletes for the Olympics is the responsibility of each national Olympic committee.

According to Dutch media, the NL Times, while in Paris later, Van de Velde will not stay in the athletes' village but alternative accommodation has been provided in Paris. In addition, he was also prohibited from speaking to the media.

Van de Velde's participation in the 2024 Paris Olympics has received strong criticism from several women's protection organizations, one of which is Kyniska Advocacy.

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