JAKARTA - The Indonesian Football Federation (PSSI) has officially collaborated with Erspo. This partnership also indicates an update to the agenda for the Indonesian national team by cooperating with local products.

This was conveyed by the General Chairperson (Ketum) of PSSI Erick Thohir at the launch of a cooperation event in the Sudirman area, Central Jakarta, on Monday, January 22, 2024, at noon.

Erick Thohir said, the decision to cooperate with Erspo as the new market for the Indonesian national team was passed in a transparent and carefully considered process.

"Yesterday we didroonged for all brands to enter (progressive), but I hope there are local brands that can collaborate. This (cooperation with Erspo) process is very transparent," said Erick Thohir.

"We spread the announcement and in the selection there were 20 (brands) who asked for it, but Erigo's best or today Erspo," he said.

Erspo merupakan turunan dari brand Erigo yang sebelumnya dikenal sebagai produsen pakaian kasual yang lebih berbelingk pada gaya pakaian urban.

Espro's presence means that Erigo is committed to focusing on sports clothes that can provide comfort for the performance of the Indonesian national team.

"I thank Mr. Erick Thohir for entrusting Erspo. So, today's officially we will introduce a new brand called Erspo."

"That's a different identity from Erigo because we want to be serious in the sportswear industry," said Muhammad Sadad, founder of Erigo.

Despite announcing cooperation with PSSI, Erspo still has not shown what kind of performance they will provide for the Indonesian national team.

However, Erspo has confirmed that there will be a jesey home and away whose launch process will only be carried out in March 2024.

In addition to providing official appointments for the Indonesian national team, the cooperation between Erspo and PSSI will also present partnerships in the form of sponsorship and royalties.

"The value (cooperation) is Rp. 16.5 billion, where there is cash of Rp. 5 billion, and most recently there is the term royalties. This has never existed so far."

"Usually only with the concept of sponsorship. Therefore, we also encourage how to make PSSI, the Indonesian national team, we can help."

"Don't let this cooperation not last long. If we want to be successful together, we must have mutual, benefit, long-lasting cooperation," said the chairman of PSSI.

From this point of view, PSSI and Erspo will cooperate with the duration of the next two years. Throughout this partnership, an assessment of the quality of products intended for the Indonesian national team will also be carried out.

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