5 Simple Movements To Eliminate Fat In The Neck, Easy To Practice
Illustration of the buildup of fat in the neck (doc: Freepik).

YOGYAKARTA A buildup of fat on the neck or rather under the chin can make someone insecure. Fortunately, there is a simple movement to get rid of fat on the neck.

Adapting the AI-Care page, Saturday, December 9, 2023, one of the simple movements to get rid of fat on the neck is a straight Jaw-jut exercise. The way to do this is to turn your head to the right and to the left 5 times a count each. Then beat and turn your head to the left and to the right 5 times a count. Finally, move your head up, hold it for 5-10 seconds, then return your head to a neutral position or put it forward.

In addition, there are still several other movements that can be applied to remove fat on the neck. Anything? Check out the full information below.

1. Ball Exercise

This simple movement to eliminate fat on the neck is carried out with the help of a small ball. Here's how to do it:


Pucker up is a movement that helps strengthen the neck. In addition, this movement is also believed to remove fat under the chin or doublechin.

Here are the steps to plug up:

3.Tongue Stretching

Tongue stretching is a tongue stretch exercise. This simple exercise is believed to reduce the buildup of fat on the neck.

The steps to do tongue stretching are as follows:


This exercise targets the chin and neck area so that it can cut the fat on the neck or under the chin.

How to stretch defecation, namely:

5. Cycling Towards Langit-Langit

Exercise while looking at the ceiling can strengthen and relax the neck muscles.

Here are the steps to make a move towards the ceiling:

This is information about simple movements to eliminate fat on the neck. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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