YOGYAKARTA - Do you often walk without footwear? It turns out that by walking without footwear there are several benefits that we can feel! So what are the benefits of walking without footwear?

Basically, walking alone already has many benefits for our bodies. The reason is, walking is a useful activity to make ourselves always healthy, especially without wearing footwear? Curious what are the benefits? Read the following description!

Launching from the Journal of Inflammation Research, when the soles of the feet walk directly to the ground, they will become natural antioxidants.

The antioxidant function itself will protect the cells, organs, and tissues in the body from oxidative stress. For example, when we experience muscle pain, it will feel better after walking above the ground.

The reason is, you use additional muscles on your legs and leg to help balance your body and then send a message to the brain while walking. Through utilizing additional muscles, it is the same as exercising, blood circulation for the feet will increase.

A research published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found a walking relationship without footwear by reducing the risk of heart disease.

According to researchers, in this research, grounding can reduce freezing and blood clotting in red blood cells. The process of thickening in red blood cells is the main aspect of cardiovascular disease.

Based on the results of the study, it is explained that stress and depression will decrease with regularity walking without footwear. This habit can make the body feel various textures and soil shapes in the area that you step on.

The body will focus on balance so that it can more release the hormone cortisol or mental pressure. Improve posture and balance of the overall body

Walking without footwear can forrify the body to train and strengthen small muscles on the legs. This makes the brain detect to pay attention to signals from the feet so as to increase body shape and body balance.

The Foundation for Health in Aging said that research on walking on rocks could help parents to increase their strength and balance.

Although it has many benefits, the habit of walking without wearing sandals or shoes can have side effects, you know!

There are many circumstances that allow you to be injured while walking without using a base outside the room. So, you must be on guard.

The risks in walking baseless are:

Running without footwear is a very good conclusion, but you have to make sure first whether the place you will choose is safe or not. Prioritize getting to know the area so that you are protected from injury and also unwanted things.

So after knowing the benefits of walking without footwear, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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