JAKARTA - Lionel Messi said the new club he would choose for the 2023/2024 season. Unlike the recent news, the club Messi chose was far from speculation.
He did not move to a Saudi Arabian club or return to Barcelona. Instead, Messi chose to join Inter Miami, a club owned by Manchester United legend David Beckham.
In an interview with Spanish publication Mundo Deportivo and Sport, the Argentine said, "I made the decision that I would go to Miami."
"I still haven't finished 100 percent. I'm short on a few things but we decided to move on."
"If Barcelona's business doesn't work, I want to leave Europe, get out of the spotlight and think more about my family," said Messi again.
Messi actually wants to return to Barcelona. However, it seems that the La Liga giant club is still unable to bring Messi back because of his unstable financial condition.
"I'm very happy to be back (to Barcelona). But after failing, I don't want to be in the same situation again, waiting to see what happens," said the Argentine.
"I heard they had to sell players or lower salaries and actually I didn't want to go through that," he continued.
Messi's decision certainly took the whole world by surprise. Moreover, Inter Miami is in bad shape after slumping last season and then making the coach, Phil Neville, have to leave.
However, Messi doesn't seem to care. He seems to be challenged to that.
Messi scored 672 goals in 778 appearances during his tenure at Camp Nou, Barcelona headquarters.
The impact has decreased after joining Paris Saint-Germain in 2021. However, 32 goals in 75 appearances are still a good return.
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