JAKARTA - Former UFC star, Ronda Rousey rages. He attacks everyone in his path after the SummerSlam defeat.

Ronda Rousey lost to Liv Morgan in the race for the SmackDown title in Nashville, last weekend.

Obviously, he was not satisfied with the result. The reason, Ronda Rousey dominated the fight. Even Morgan barely survived.

When the match ended, the result was considered controversial. At first, Rousey felt that she had won the battle. However, replays appear to show Morgan knocking before Rousey's 3rd count.

That made him violent and launched vicious attacks on several people, including the referee. More officials came running into the ring to save the referee from Rousey's wrath.

The anger did not subside after he "raged". He also raved on his Instagram account and this time attacked WWE.

"Hey @wwe if you guys would stop messing with me to put your golden girl in every big game that would be great", Ronda wrote on her Instagram account.

Reportedly, there will be a rematch. Rousey wants to reclaim the title she previously "stolen" from Morgan.

However, it is not certain when the rematch will be held by WWE. However, fans are already looking forward to the two of them returning to the SmackDown ring.

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