JAKARTA - Stephen Curry is the biggest star in the NBA today. The point guard led the Golden State Warriors to their fourth NBA title in eight years this summer, with Curry himself being named MVP.
Curry has also revolutionized the game with his shooting, where his impact on the game further cements his legacy.
Along with his father Dell and brother Seth (who plays for the Brooklyn Nets), the Curry family is like royalty in sports.
However, in an interview, Curry's mother, Sonya, admitted to having punished her two children by refusing to cook for them.
"We have a niece who lives with us and one when it was (Steph's) turn to do the dishes," Sonya said in an interview with Today quoted by Marca, Monday.
"And he didn't do his job for three days. So, the third day, everything (dirty dishes) piled up.
"I came in like 'what dinner?' And I was like 'Dell and I are going, you guys need to find something in this house to eat without having to use a plate'.
"I don't cook because there's nothing to cook.
"They looked at me like 'are you serious?' And I was like 'I'm really serious'."
Meanwhile, even though Dell and Sonya divorced a few years ago, the two keep in touch. And the breakup didn't affect Curry's performances on the pitch in any way.
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