JAKARTA - Indonesian mixed doubles Praveen Jordan/Melati Daeva Oktavianti couldn't hide her disappointment after being eliminated from the last 32 of the 2021 Indonesia Masters. Melati revealed the reason they lost, but Praveen kept silent.

This failure was experienced by Praveen / Melati when they met Druv Kapila / Reddy N. Sikki on Wednesday, November 17. In a meeting with representatives of India at the Bali International Convention Center, Nusa Dua, Praveen / Melati lost with a final score of 11-21 and 20-22.

From the unsatisfactory appearance, the communication aspect became the main focus. The reason, when in the field Praveen / Melati did not seem to communicate well.

Regarding the allegation, Melati gave her response after the match. He denied that communication was the main cause of their failure.

“My communication with him (Praveen) is good. Maybe we don't talk much on the pitch, but before playing we also talked about what we want to play," said Melati in a press conference after the match.

Melati also said if they did lose the start in the first game. So it is quite difficult to keep up with the opponent.

"It was only the fault of the first game that we lost the start, then the second game we wanted to turn things around, only recently we have won," he explained.

Furthermore, Melati also admitted that physical condition was also a major problem when both of them underwent the first round. However, Melati was reluctant to use it as an excuse. Because, all players feel the same after undergoing consecutive matches.

"If we want to make excuses for consecutive matches, the body is tired, the mind is tired, all the players are the same. But that can't be an excuse," continued Melati.

"Maybe his condition is a bit less good, but not communication between me and him, maybe from each other's bodies," added the 27-year-old player.

Although Melati gave an answer about her unsatisfactory performance in that match, Praveen did something different. Both were present at the press conference, Praveen was silent and chose to leave the location without a word from his lips.

Screenshot of the 2021 Indonesia Masters press conference showing Praveen Jordan leaving without saying anything

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