JAKARTA - Lionel Messi told of his first months living in Paris after accepting the proposal of Ligue 1 club Paris Saint-Germain (PSG). El Messiah said he was happy because he could return to grazing after his contract at Barcelona was discontinued.

However, behind the joy of being a member of the Les Parisiens squad and living life in the City of Fashion, Messi apparently harbors a sadness that is quite pronounced, namely about the difference in life between Paris and Barcelona. One of the most felt is because he can no longer take and pick up his children from school.

"It's so different, here in Paris compared to Castelldefels (where he lives in Barcelona), where we are used to living and have everything we need nearby", Lionel Messi was quoted as saying by Marca.

"Another difference is that now I can't pick up school children while going to the practice site, due to time constraints. Because it's not that close anymore", he explained.

Even though he is sad about his children, Lionel Messi still thinks about positive things from his decision to move to PSG. The Argentine footballer said that his choice fell on PSG because the club had a desire to continue to grow.

"When I decided to come to PSG, one of the reasons was their great squad and the desire to continue to grow as a club and win the Champions League", he said proudly.

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