JAKARTA - The sale of cars in Indonesia in early 2025 (January-February) is a difficult time, which has decreased compared to the previous year.
Referring to data from the Association of Indonesian Automotive Industries (Gaikindo), the total wholesales for the first two months in 2025 only reached 134,227 units, this figure was classified as a decrease compared to the previous year reaching 288,982 units.
However, in the midst of sluggish markets, Toyota experienced good growth earlier this year. This was revealed by Marketing Director of PT Toyota Astra Motor Jap Ernando Demily.
"Market Januari sampai Februari itu terkoreksi hampir 5 persen, tapi kami masih bisa tumbuh 4,4 persen itu kabar yang baik," katanya, dalam acara buka puasa bersama di kawasan Jakarta, Selasa, 18 Maret.
Jenama asal Jepang ini mencatatkan wholesales pada awal tahun (dua bulan pertama) sebanyak 46.479 unit, naik dibanding tahun lalu di periode yang sama di periodekan yang angkanya mencapai 44.515 unit.
"We are grateful that we are still recording the wholesales of more than 46 thousand units, meaning that they are still growing compared to last year," he added.
With the numbers above, Toyota still maintains the first position for overall market share, where the figure touched 34.6 percent. Meanwhile, several other brands such as Daihatsu are in second place with a market share of 16.3 percent.
"We still maintain it as a market leader, even the figure reaches 34.6 percent," he explained.
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