JAKARTA - Apple is quietly updating the mini HomePod, but not in terms of hardware. This time, changes occurred in product packaging from a Cupertino company, which is now present with a new design.

This change was first recorded by Parker Ortolani. Now, the mini HomePod is packaged in a box all white, different from the previous one which has colors according to the product variant. This new box also features the Apple logo at the top and the mini HomePod logo that is more stylish on the other side.

Previously, every homePod color minis like space gray, white, blue, yellow, and orange had a box of the same color. But now, all variants use white boxes, uniforming their appearance with a second generation HomePod.

Interestingly, this is not the first time Apple has changed something at a mini HomePod. In July 2024, Apple will replace the space gray color with the midnight variant, which has a slight blueness feel.

Although there are rumors that Apple will launch the latest generation HomePod mini this year, the company doesn't seem to want to wait to make this little change first.

In the US, the mini HomePod is still priced at 99 US dollars (Rp1.6 million), while the larger HomePod 2 sells for 299 US dollars (Rp4.9 million).

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