JAKARTA - Electric Vehicles (EV) in Indonesia are now the main concern of various parties, including the Electric Mobility Electrification Association (AEM).

General Chairperson of AEML Dannif Danusaputro, stated that electric or environmentally friendly mobility can be achieved entirely through three pillars, namely Supply, Demand, and Enabler.

"From the demand side, the government has launched an Information System for Data Management of Electric Vehicles (Siapira) which is subsidized at IDR 7 million, this is to increase demand and this is already running," said Dannif in his presentation to the media in SCBD, Jakarta, Thursday, August 22.

In addition, he said that the government has done everything to encourage the growth of electric vehicles, such as odd-even exemptions for EVs, thus providing benefits for users.

However, this is considered less because the growth of electric vehicles is not as massive as expected, so other efforts are needed so that people are interested in the transition from fuel vehicles to environmentally friendly.

AEML Secretary General Rian Ernest said that EV growth would not develop if people did not get sufficient education on this matter. This is considered important in increasing the attractiveness of the community to own their own electric vehicles.

"So indeed talking about the use of EVs, we must continue to convey public education to social media and others," explained Rian.

Rian also explained that his party always educates the public about electric vehicles in various ways, especially regarding concerns about the use of batteries.

"If we use the electric motor battery properly, there should be no problem. This is what we continue to encourage from the side to make sure everything goes well," concluded Rian.

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