JAKARTA - Collaboration between car manufacturer brands is believed to be a long-term trend, as did Xpeng, a Chinese brand that is building a new model with the German automotive giant Volkswagen.

Quoting from the CNevpost page, Tuesday, May 21, Xpeng Vice President Brian Gu revealed more collaboration as a long-term trend, because it is difficult to imagine traditional car manufacturers developing smart technology quickly.

"We see more collaboration as a long-term trend, as it is difficult to imagine traditional car manufacturers developing smart driving technology quickly by relying on their own capabilities," he said.

It is known that smart driving technology is a very promising future, it can even make it easier for users to control directly to vehicles.

"Smart driving technology is the future of electric vehicles, and recent partnerships with other automakers have enabled Xpeng to license its technology and generate huge economic benefits," he added.

Several well-known brands such as Volkswagen and General Motors have been dominant in China, but have recently struggled to keep up with electric vehicle manufacturers from China.

Seeing these conditions, last year Volkswagen collaborated with Xpeng to jointly develop two Volkswagen-branded electric vehicle models for China's medium-sized vehicle market.

Xpeng and Volkswagen will build both models using their respective core competencies, the Xpeng G9 platform, as well as the ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance System) connectivity and software, according to a statement last July.

On April 17, Xpeng announced that it had signed a framework agreement with Volkswagen for technical cooperation in the Electric/Electronic architecture (E/E architecture). The two sides will jointly develop and integrate Xpeng's latest generation E/E architecture into Volkswagen's China Main Platform (CMP), according to a statement last month.

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