YOGYAKARTA The use of cars with automatic transmission is widely chosen by urban communities. As for use in hilly areas dominated by uphill roads, people still rely on manual transmission cars. Then, is it true that manual cars are stronger on the incline?

As is known, the technology embedded in automatic transmission vehicles is still being developed. For now, manual cars are considered stronger on inclines. However, that doesn't mean the automatic car can't keep up with the strength of the manual car.

Quoted from the yourgreatcar site, currently automatic transmission cars are starting to travel rapidly and even offer more or less the same performance as manual cars, especially in hills. One of the reasons automatic cars can be taken into account on the uphill road is the presence of the latest direct shift gearbox (DSG) technology that is able to overcome the problem of sudden gear movement on the uphill road.

However, the assumption that manual cars are superior is used on inclines or on mountainous roads and hills is also undeniable. The reason why manual cars are stronger on inclines is because the transmission gear transfer decision is in the driver.

This means that when the driver detects a road climbing suddenly, they can immediately make the decision to use the right teeth by adjusting the network. Meanwhile, in automatic cars, the response to dental movement is the reason why the transmission type of car is not suitable for use on mountainous roads.

There are several reasons why automatic cars are not suitable for use on mountainous roads to deal with ups and downs tracks, as follows.

The biggest reason why automatic cars are not suitable on the uphill road is that sometimes the response to dental movement is delayed. When that happens, the car has the potential to not climb strongly.

The car driver does not have full control over the vehicle, even though this control is very important to face a road that suddenly winds sharply until it climbs with a large slope.

The risk of automatic cars being damaged when used in mountainous areas is quite high, especially in components involving sensors.

There are several advantages why superior manual transmission cars are used in mountainous areas, namely as follows.

Drivers will get full control of manual transmission vehicles. Unlike automatic vehicles that rely on sensors. This condition is very useful when the driver suddenly encounters a road that bends as well as climbs.

However, manual drivers must also be skilled at driving their cars. It is recommended to learn to drive a manual car properly.

Manual transmission is able to produce better fuel distance so that it is more efficient. This happens because there are fewer moving components than automatic vehicles.

Vehicles that are often used to pass climbs tend to strike more easily, meaning that more money is spent on maintenance. However, in manual vehicles, damage will not be as severe as automatic transmission vehicles so that the manual transmission component does not change frequently.

In addition to whether a manual car is stronger on the incline, visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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