The Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenag) proposes that the cost of going hajj in 2023 will increase. The cost of organizing the pilgrimage (BPIH) proposed by the Ministry of Religion reached IDR 69 million per prospective pilgrim. This number is so surprising because the increase was very significant compared to the 2022 pilgrimage fee of IDR 39.8 million.

Of course the proposal of the Ministry of Religion raises contradictions. On average, members of the DPR's Commission VIII who will discuss the matter of the increase refuse. They think the proposed increase is too high.

The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) according to the agreement of its representative in Commission VIII, Moch. Hasbi Asyidiki Jayabaya considered the increase to be irrational and burdensome for the community.

The Deputy Chairman of Commission VIII DPR RI, Ace Hasan Syadzily, also wanted the same thing. This DPR member from the Golkar Party wants the cost of the pilgrimage to be affordable for the community and in accordance with the principle of istitha'ah or the ability to make the pilgrimage. Mainly in the context of financing.

In its proposal, the Ministry of Religion explained that the 2023 BPIH was IDR 98.8 million per prospective congregation. Of this amount, 70 percent is borne by the pilgrims, or IDR 69 million. Meanwhile, the remaining 30 percent is covered by the benefits of funds amounting to IDR 29.7 million.

To note, currently, the Hajj Financial Management Agency (BPKH) manages IDR 166.01 trillion in Hajj management funds. This amount increased by 4.56 percent compared to the previous year's balance of IDR 158.79 trillion. As previously reviewed by VOI, from BPKH's 2022 financial report, the realization of the managed fund reached the set target of IDR 156.23 trillion.

Because of this, a member of Commission VIII DPR from the PKS faction, Bukhori Yusuf, asked BPKH to draw up a roadmap for hajj financing schemes. And it shouldn't just be a roadmap or road map, BPKH and the Ministry of Religion must be really efficient. Must be responsible for managing people's funds. Moreover, the KPK also glared. Because the managed fund of IDR 166 trillion is not a small number.

That's what some DPR members want. The Ministry of Religion should be able to maximize costs. Moreover, in 2023 the government of Saudi Arabia will reduce the cost of Hajj by 30 percent. In some countries, the cost of hajj is lower than in Indonesia. The Indonesian government should also be able to reduce costs. Even if it's not too high.

Must keep in mind. Hajj is an obligation for Muslims who can afford it. To go on pilgrimage people are willing to save tens of years. A very large increase is certainly burdensome. Don't let any congregation fail to go on pilgrimage because they fail to meet the pilgrimage expenses of IDR 69 million.

We hope that President Jokowi's statement that the Hajj costs proposed by the Ministry of Religion are not final will be true. The Minister of Religion or the Ministry of Religion can recalculate again. Maybe, it's okay to increase. But of course, many things should be taken into account. Perhaps it can be seen again in detail, whether there are expenses that can be saved. Starting from lodging costs, catering to transportation. It is also necessary to maximize and streamline the funds managed by the Hajj so that people can get the maximum benefit. Wouldn't the Ministry of Religion and BPKH be able to save and maximize the cost of the worship service?

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