JAKARTA - Farhat Abbas made the political stage in the country seems exciting. By establishing the Pandai Party, Farhat plans to appear as one of the presidential candidates in the upcoming 2024 presidential election.

In Deddy Corbuzier's podcast which was uploaded on the Youtube channel, Wednesday, October 27 today, Farhat claims that he will be greater than the presidents who have led this country. Including President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

"Jokowi is good but there are some shortcomings that we need to criticize. I will be faster, wiser, more humble, simpler. Jokowi, if I become president, I will be greater than President Jokowi. I will be greater than the candidate - previous candidates so that I appear to come forward," said Farhat Abbas.

Not only Jokowi, a number of names that were championed in the electability survey of presidential candidates, ranging from DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan, Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto to Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo were also able to be surpassed by Farhat.

"Would you like to be better than Jokowi?" asked Deddy.

"I will be faster, more decisive," replied Farhat.

"More than Prabowo," asked Deddy

"With Prabowo I am even better, with Anies Baswedan even more daring," replied Farhat.

"With Mrs. Maharani, what do you prefer?" asked Deddy.

"More spirit," replied Farhat.

"Are you being compared to Ganjar Pranowo?"

"Smarter still," said Farhat.

Farhat said that his vision to become President in 2024 is to create a sovereign Indonesia, implement a just and divine law. Most importantly, the law should not be used as an instrument to imprison political opponents.

"I always say that everyone must have the soul and personality of the president, every Indonesian," said Farhat.

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