DEPOK – The act of stealing a mobile phone that caused the victim MAP (16) to die with a knife wound was considered to have irregularities. The head of RT 008/02, Sindang Karsa Village, Sukamaju Baru Village, Tapos Subdistrict, Abdul Mutarom (68) questioned why the cellphones of the victims friends, who were at the same location, were not confiscated.

Mutarom said the perpetrators used two motorbikes together, three motorbikes each, a total of six perpetrators.

"This is the first time the cell phone robbery incident happened where the victim died. If the perpetrator was a robber, why was only the victim's cellphone taken, while the other three friends of the victim were not confiscated? So it is strongly suspected that the perpetrators were gangsters, not robbers", said Mutarom, Tuesday, October 26.

Mutarom also explained that after he saw the CCTV footage, it was seen that the motorbike was using a White Honda Vario without installing a number plate.

"It seems that the perpetrators had planned to remove the two motorcycle license plates, and all the perpetrators were wearing helmets and masks, making them difficult to identify", he said.

Mutarom said the characteristics that can still be recognized by the perpetrators based on CCTV footage around the location, the perpetrators are estimated to be between 18-19 years old.

"The perpetrator is still a teenager like the victim, still in his teens. In addition, the other characteristics cannot be recognized because the helmet and mask after taking the victim's cellphone, the perpetrator immediately fled to Bakti Abri. In addition, the type of sharp weapon was sickles and machetes. We hope that the police will The police can immediately solve this case by arresting the perpetrators who are making local residents worried", Mutarom said with hope.

MAP, is a grade 2 SMK student. His life did not survive because of the injuries he suffered, namely the stab of a sickle on the left side of the back until it penetrated the lungs. He died after receiving medical treatment at the Sentra Medika Hospital in Depok, the day after the incident. The incident occurred on Raya Nangka Street (Derivative Colek) RW 03, Sukamaju Baru Village, Tapos District, Depok City, at dawn on Saturday, October 23.

Meanwhile, MAP's parents said that their first son plans to celebrate his 17th birthday in the near future.

"In December 2021, my child is exactly 17", said Ata (37), the victim's father.

Ata also said that so far he has not received further information from the Cimanggis Police regarding the incident that happened to his son.

"There has been no progress whatsoever, waiting from members of the Cimanggis Police", he said.

Ata explained that at that time MAP was playing a game with his three friends not far from home.

"While playing online games on the roadside, the victim was accompanied by two motorbikes, each riding three motorbikes with a total of six. Four of the perpetrators brandished sharp weapons of the type of sickle and machete, while two more people got off while brandishing sickles to the victim", he added.

The victim tried to keep the blue Xiaomi brand cellphone when it was about to be confiscated by the perpetrator. That defense finally made MAP get slashed by a sickle in the left-back until it penetrated the lungs.

"The victim's cellphone has only been used for three months. It's normal if you don't have time to study with friends your age usually play online games on the side of Nangka Street", he said.

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