JAKARTA - The case of Rachel Vennya's escape from Wisma Atlet after leaving the United States is still under investigation by the police. But, one by one, evidence of Rachel Vennya's actions allegedly violating the health protocol (prokes) began to emerge.

The evidence emerged based on information from the Jaya Regional Military Command as the COVID-19 Task Force. Where, it is known that there are two TNI personnel involved in the case of Rachel Vennya's escape.

Proof of Attendance

Kapendam Jaya Colonel Arh Herwin BS stated that Rachel Vennya had indeed been quarantined at the Wisma Atlet after traveling abroad. This is based on attendance data at the quarantine location.

"If the results of the check on attendance come in," Herwin told reporters at JIExpo, Kemayoran, Jakarta, Sunday, October 24.

In fact, in the attendance data, Rachel Vennya was recorded to have undergone quarantine for three days. But, after that she ran away with her boyfriend and manager.

"In her absence, I saw that (Rachel Vennya) had entered for 3 days," said Herwin.

However, Herwin could not provide details when asked about the exact date Rachel Vennya underwent quarantine. Because, he has not received a complete report.

"I don't know the details yet," said Herwin.

Confession of Military Personnel

Other evidence regarding Rachel Vennya's escape is also the confession of TNI personnel. From the results of the interim examination, individuals with the initials IG and FS admitted that they had indeed helped the celebgram not to undergo the quarantine process.

"So he admits he is helping RV not to stay in quarantine," said Herwin

However, Herwin did not elaborate further on how the two TNI personnel helped Rachel Vennya. The reason is that the examination of the two TNI personnel is still ongoing.

"The inspection is at the POM unit," said Herwin.

On the other hand, Herwin also emphasized that so far there has been no indication of bribery in the series of actions that have taken place in Rachel Vennya's escape. However, all assumptions will be investigated to resolve the issue.

"Meanwhile it is confessed there is no attempt to bribe," said Herwin.

For information, Rachel Vennya is known to have run away while undergoing quarantine at the Wisma Atlet COVID-19 Emergency Hospital (RSDC) after a vacation from abroad.

Kodam Jaya as the Command of the COVID-19 Integrated Joint Task Force delegated the case of Rachel Vennya's escape to the Police.

However, at that time, Rachel Vennya admitted that she had never been quarantined at the Athlete's House. She made the statement when she was a guest on Boy William's YouTube channel titled 'RACHEL VENNYA: I AM READY TO ACCEPT SANCTIONS.

"But I'm not quarantined at all at the Athletes' House, so I'm not asking for a room either," Rachel Vennya said.

"I don't stay at the athlete's house at all," she said firmly

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