JAKARTA— The obligation to show a negative result of the COVID-19 PCR test 2x24 hours as one of the flight requirements is still in the spotlight. This issue has become the pros and cons among supporters of the Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin government. Both coalition political parties and volunteers support President Jokowi.

The mass organization supporting President Jokowi, Projo, asked for the mandatory requirement for the Coronavirus (COVID-19) PCR test as a condition for flights to be removed. Because there is already a massive COVID-19 vaccination.

"Projo is active in accelerating and expanding free vaccinations for the people. But we are disappointed with the PCR test obligation", said the Head of the National Movement for the Acceleration of Covid-19 Vaccination Task Force, Panel Barus, in a statement, Saturday, October 23.

According to the Barus Panel, many people question the effectiveness of the PCR test when it comes to vaccination. Then the vaccination status can be accessed through the PeduliLindung application.

"They asked if you have been vaccinated, why do you still have to do a PCR test. The COVID-19 task force must act quickly", said Panel Barus.

The panel felt that the evidence that they had been vaccinated at PeduliLindung was sufficient for the community. There is no need to make it difficult with PCR, which is not cheap.

The same thing has been stated by the Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (PKB). The party led by Muhaimin Iskandar rejected the issuance of the Minister of Home Affairs Instruction (Inmendagri) 53/2021 regarding PPKM Levels 3, 2, and 1 in Java and Bali so that all airplane passengers must undergo a PCR test 2x24 hours before departure.

According to a member of Indonesia House of Representatives Commission V PKB Faction, Neng Eem Marhamah Zulfah, the Minister of Home Affairs is a backward step to encourage economic revival in the country.

"The PCR test for airplane passengers as stated in the Minister of Home Affairs 53/2021 is a step back for efforts towards a new normal as the COVID-19 cases continue to slow down in the country", said Neng Eem, Thursday, October 21.

According to Neng Eem, although there is currently an upper limit on the price of the PCR test, for most people it is still relatively large. Even the price of this PCR test can be 50 percent of the price of a plane ticket.

He also questioned the emergence of PCR test requirements in Inmendagri 53/2021. The reason is, at Inmendagri 47/2021, the requirements for prospective airplane passengers are only in the form of an antigen test (H-1) with the condition that they have received a second dose of vaccination and a negative PCR result if they have only received the first dose of vaccine.

"We don't want this new mandatory PCR test rule to be perceived by the public as a form of government siding with the PCR test organizers, which are currently growing in the field", said Neng Eem.

Golkar Support

Meanwhile, the Golkar Party stated that it supports the imposition of mandatory PCR tests for airplane passengers who will travel.

Deputy Chairman of Commission IX of the House of Representatives from the Golkar Party faction, Emanuel Melkiades Laka Lena, assessed that the Minister of Home Affairs which required these conditions was a form of government anticipation in suppressing the spread of COVID-19.

"Regarding the Ministry of Home Affairs, we take the positive side. We witnessed for ourselves when we opened processes and activities in public spaces, it was unavoidable that the potential for transmission would occur anywhere, in public facilities, in schools or land, sea and air transportation or elsewhere", said Melki during a press conference at the Golkar Office, Slipi, Jakarta, Friday, October 22.

According to him, like an umbrella, before it rains, as people travel massively, the government anticipates new clusters of COVID-19 transmission by being required to bring the results of the PCR test before flying.

"What we see now is that when people move, they already have a mechanism called the PeduliLindung platform, as long as that actually happens we can still access someone. But he moves with the context of moving far away, especially this to flying places. I think this should be used because We must use the PCR swab pattern, it is better to prevent than to treat", explained the head of the health commission in the DPR.

The NTT legislator emphasized that it is better to prevent the potential emergence of clusters than to be infected with COVID-19. "Rather than getting sick, it's more complicated", said Melki.

Melki understands, in the context of the Ministry of Home Affairs' decision, it is to prevent people who have the potential to be exposed to COVID-19 from public activities.

"In fact, our question is that outside the Ministry of Home Affairs, we are still thinking about other transportation patterns, sea, and land. Plus other meeting places such as schools and others. There are still efforts for us periodically once or twice a week at the office, at school there must be a swab or the antigen is random. We must think about this together", said Melki.

"Don't look at this situation, we think it's over. Because it's better to prevent than cure, it's better if we detect it early than he has seen again like the Delta case yesterday", he continued.

Previously, the spokesman for the COVID-19 Task Force, Prof. Wiku Adisasmito, explained that the PCR test was used because it was the most sensitive testing method.

"PCR as a more sensitive testing method can detect infected people better than rapid antigens, so the potential for detected people to escape and infect other people in a dense capacity setting can be minimized", said Wiku to reporters, Friday, October 22.

Wiku said that the PCR test requirements were enforced considering that seat distancing was no longer implemented on the plane, so a more accurate screening test was needed.

"The capacity has been increased from 70 percent to 100 percent. So, to ensure those who travel are in good health, it is ensured by a more accurate screening test", said Wiku.

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