MEDAN - Video of 2 youths and a teenage girl on a bed in a hotel room in Medan, North Sumatra, has gone viral on social media.

The two men had the initials B (18) and D (19). Regarding the video, the girl's parents objected and reported the incident to the police.

The Head of Public Relations of the North Sumatra Police, Grand Commissioner Hadi Wahyudi, confirmed the report when it was confirmed. Grand Commissioner Hadi revealed, 2 men were arrested.

"Yes, it has indeed been secured", said Grand Commissioner Hadi, Friday, October 22.

However, Grand Commissioner Hadi did not explain in detail the handling of this video nasty case.

"We are waiting for the results of the investigation from the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation", he explained.

Meanwhile, the victim's mother with the initials S appreciated the North Sumatra Police's swift action. "I would like to thank the North Sumatra Police Chief, and North Sumatra Police personnel, for their hard work in uncovering the sexual harassment case that my daughter experienced", she said.

However, S did not describe in detail the sexual abuse that her daughter experienced. She only hopes that this case will serve as a lesson for every parent to pay more attention to their child.

"I hope this case doesn't happen again", said S.

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