JAKARTA - Head of the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), Dwikorita Karnawati, reminded all parties to protect the environment to deal with the impact of the hydrometeorological disaster due to La Nina and the rainy season.

"Don't do environmental damage, for example, cutting down trees indiscriminately, cutting slopes and so on because La Nina triggers high rainfall so that flooding can occur", she said at a press conference regarding La Nina alert and the increased risk of hydrometeorological disasters in Indonesia, citing by Antara, Monday, October 18th.

Dwikorita explained that hydrometeorological disasters were not only caused by La Nina or high rainfall but also the carrying capacity and capacity of the environment played an important role.

The steps were taken by the BMKG so far said Dwikorita, in addition to disseminating weather information and forecasts, are also coordinating intensively between ministries/agencies and conducting simulations if they have an impact in certain areas.

Analysis of numerical modeling predictions is also intensified because the threat is quite high, such as last year, La Nina increased monthly rainfall by 70 percent.

Coordination with local governments is also carried out to prepare the environment, immediately pay attention to the capacity of water reservoirs so that reservoirs or lakes do not become shallow so that their capacity is not maximized, as well as surface water flow must be considered, said Dwikorita.

"Those living in riverbank areas need to monitor weather information, and observe our environment whether it is in a flood or landslide-prone zone, take steps to protect the environment", said the Head of BMKG.

BMKG noted that currently 20 percent of the Seasonal Zone in Indonesia has entered the rainy season and it is also observed that there is a weak La Nina which is expected to last until February 2022.

The La Nina phenomenon is influenced by the anomaly of sea surface temperature in the central Pacific Ocean with Indonesian waters so that the sea surface temperature in Indonesian territory becomes warmer.

Currently, it is observed that the anomaly has exceeded the threshold for the occurrence of La Nina, which is 0.5, it was recorded that it was minus 0.61 on the first 10 days of October 2021. La Nina increases the flow of wet air masses, thereby increasing rainfall.

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