Introducing Rumeysa Gelgi! Tallest Woman on the Planet, 2.15 Meters Length
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JAKARTA - This is the second world record achieved by Rumeysa Gelgi from Turkey. And the same record from the Guinness World Records, which is the tallest woman in the universe who is still alive.

In 2014, when she was 18 years old, Rumeysa was awarded the title for the tallest living teenager (female). And now at 215.16 cm tall, Rumeysa Gelgi has again been crowned the tallest living woman.

Rumeysa --by Guinness World Records-- was measured again this year.

Her tall stature comes from a condition called Weaver syndrome. A very rare condition, accelerated growth among other disorders including bone maturation.

This condition makes Rumeysa use a wheelchair more often, but can move in a short time using a walker.

Since her first record in 2014, Rumeysa has found it important to use her platform to educate others about a rare medical condition like hers.

She said that her height attracted people when they passed her on the street, but most people were kind and supportive when they first met her.

In her spare time, Rumeysa likes to go out to have a good meal with her family and finds swimming very helpful for her to relax. Her family was very happy and proud of her for having a Guinness World Records title.

It is interesting that Rumeysa hails from Turkey, as does Sultan Kösen (251 cm; 8 feet 2.8 inches), the record holder for the tallest living man and woman now hailing from the same country - a rare occurrence in the history of Guinness World Records.

"Being different is not as bad as you think. It can bring you unexpected success," Gelgi said as quoted by the Daily Sabah.

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