BADUNG - The Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) guarantees that compensation payments to 413 victims of past terrorism will be completed by the end of 2021.

"Yes, there are 413 victims who will be paid again for compensation. It is hoped that this year it can be completed," said LPSK Chairman Hasto Atmojo Suroyo during the 19th anniversary of the Bali Bombing I in Legian, Kuta, Bali, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, October 12.

He said that up to now, the 413 victims of terrorism are still in the assessment process, both Indonesian citizens and foreigners. Meanwhile, the amount of compensation given is seen from each degree of injury.

The compensation value is IDR 250 million for victims with serious injuries, IDR 210 million for moderate injuries, IDR 115 million for moderate injuries and IDR 75 million for minor injuries.

"(For foreigners) we go to several countries to carry out assessments, and later at the end of the year we will pay them. Most of them are Australia, but yes, it has not been opened to their countries," said Hasto.

Hasto said that the payment of compensation proves the rules for victims' rights as outlined and guaranteed in the law, not just beautiful words, but can be proven and realized in real terms, through the payment of this compensation to the victims.

Based on the laws and regulations as stated in Law no. 31 of 2014 which is strengthened by Law no. 5 of 2018, guarantees that victims of criminal acts of terrorism are entitled to compensation.

Previously, compensation payments have been made since the 2002 Bali Bombings and were symbolically handed over by the President of the Republic of Indonesia on December 16, 2020 to 215 victims with a total compensation value of Rp. 39.2 billion.

According to Hasto, when compared to the burden of suffering the victims have to endure for a lifetime, the amount of compensation is certainly not insignificant. However, this compensation payment is a tangible manifestation of one of the forms of state responsibility in providing a sense of justice to the victims.

"Hopefully this compensation payment can be used as a glimmer of hope to be able to restore the lives of the victims. The success of the victims getting the right to compensation cannot be separated from the support and good cooperation of the BNPT and law enforcement officials starting from the investigation stage, investigation , prosecution and examination in court," he explained.

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