Voting Site Of Simultaneous Local Election In Tangerang Regency Also Provide Vaccination Outlets
Director General of Village Government Development Yusharto Huntoyungo and Tangerang Regent Ahmed Zaki Iskandar monitor the implementation of the Village Head Election (Pilkades)/Photo: Antara

TANGERANG - Director-General of Village Administration Yusharto Huntoyungo and Tangerang Regent Ahmed Zaki Iskandar directly monitored the implementation of the simultaneous Village Head Elections (Pilkades) in 77 villages in the area.

"From our observations through the reports, along with the instruments that have been prepared by the Tangerang Regency Government, there is compatibility and consistency between the reports and the field," said Yusharto while monitoring the village head election in Bojongkamal Village, Legok District, Tangerang Regency, Sunday, October 10.

According to him, the implementation of the simultaneous Pilkades in Tangerang Regency is currently in accordance with Permendagri 72 of 2020, where the implementation of the COVID-19 health protocol has been implemented properly.

"Earlier we also discussed with the head of KPPS at the village level, who had conveyed an appeal from a long time ago regarding this village election to implement health protocols," he said.

He said the number of permanent voter lists (DPT) who exercised their right to vote in this simultaneous village head election had reached around 90 percent.

"We just have to wait for about 40 more people from 11 polling stations (polling stations) in Bojong Kamal Village, Legok, Tangerang," he said.

In addition, his party expressed his appreciation to all levels of the Tangerang Regency Government (Pemkab) who have worked well, so that the Pilkades in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic took place in an orderly and safe manner by implementing health protocols.

"Then, at TPS, we can also see that there are COVID-19 vaccination booths, which have vaccinated approximately a dozen people. And hopefully, this will be followed by local residents to support the acceleration of the government's vaccination program," he said.

Meanwhile, the Regent of Tangerang, Ahmed Zaki Iskandar, hopes that the Simultaneous Pilkades in 77 villages in Tangerang Regency can run well and safely until the election results.

He said that later on for the process of securing the Pilkades ballots, a security team from the TNI/Polri officers would be escorted so that later it could run safely and in an orderly manner.

"The implementation of the Pilkades in 77 villages is currently going well. Hopefully, it will run well until it's finished," he hoped.

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