DENPASAR- Bali Governor, Wayan Koster, received a working visit from President Joko Widodo and First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo.

In his report, Koster revealed several important points related to the achievement of handling COVID-19 in Bali which is currently getting better. Daily cases are already in double digits and the cure rate has reached 95.75 percent.

"Meanwhile, the first injection vaccination has now reached 98 percent, both for Bali and outside Bali ID cardholders, and the second injection vaccine has reached 83 percent", said Koster in a written statement, Friday, October 8.

According to Koster, this achievement is due to good cooperation and synergy between all sectors. By sloping down the COVID-19 case in Bali, Koster admitted that he had opened public activities such as malls, supermarkets, and other public places, of course with strict health protocols, twice vaccines, and using the PeduliLindung application.

"With the decline in cases and the achievement of a high vaccination rate, we are grateful for the direction of the President who has allowed the opening of foreign tourists on October 14, and we are very ready for it. To prepare everything tomorrow we will conduct a simulation, we hope that all will runs smoothly and has a positive impact on the Balinese economy", he explained.

In addition, Governor Koster also conveyed the preparations for the G-20 meeting which will be held in Bali in 2022. According to him, Bali has experience in hosting international meetings of the World Bank and IMF and this can be a benchmark for Bali's readiness to host the G-20 meeting. 20.

"We plan to prepare more lively arts and culture support so that it is truly colored with Balinese culture and we hope that this can be a momentum for the revival of the Balinese economy which has been highly anticipated by the community", said Koster.

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