KALBAR - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan (Kalbar) stated that as many as 10.596 houses in the area were flooded on October 2-3, 2021.

"The current flood conditions have receded for the Putussibau area and its surroundings, but the downstream area of the Kapuas river coast can receive flooding," said Head of BPBD Kapuas Hulu, Gunawan, as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, October 5.

Gunawan said that temporary data from 10.596 residents' houses that were flooded were 14.213 families, 43.783 people, and 228 public facilities were also submerged.

This year's flood is the second major flood after 2020. According to him, the government is currently preparing basic food assistance for flood victims in the Kapuas Hulu area.

"The Kapuas Hulu Regency Government is trying to provide assistance in the form of staple foods such as rice and other companions according to the ability of the Regency Government. For the government's rice reserves are in the social service, we are preparing a set of regulations related to disaster status and data," said Gunawan.

He said that although the flood conditions in Putussibau and its surroundings had receded, the consignment flood hit the downstream coastal areas of the Kapuas river, one of which was the Embaloh Hilir District.

He appealed to all the people of Kapuas Hulu to stay alert for flood disasters because currently, the weather is quite extreme.

"Rainfall in Kapuas Hulu is quite high accompanied by strong winds, so we urge the public to remain vigilant and alert for floods and other natural disasters," said Gunawan.

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