JAKARTA - Metro Jaya Police 'throws' the reporting process against former Commissioner of the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM), Natalius Pigai to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police.

Originally, the report was related to Pigai's tweet that allegedly contained racism to President Jokowi and the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo.

"The Regional Police themselves have requested that this report be strong in order to coordinate with the National Police Headquarters," said the General Chair of BaraNusa, Adi Kurniawan to reporters, Monday, October 4.

That way, said Adi, his party will immediately go to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police to make a report. On the other hand, Adi also stated that he would still report Pigai because his statement was very dangerous. Because, it can divide the unity of the nation.

"In our opinion, it is very dangerous for the position of the integrity of the country, the unity of the nation. Because it is very vulnerable, language like this is very vulnerable. It is very difficult for us to build an Indonesian state, uniting various kinds of differences, diversity and then yes people like this, this is a threat," said Adi.

In fact, Adi stated Pigai is a 'poison'. The reason is that his statement could also trigger the conflict in Papua.

"So in our opinion, Pigai is poison. In fact, Pigai itself can harm the Papuan people. Pigai can build an increasingly sharp conflict between people from the island of Java and the Papuan people. So, in our opinion, it is important that this Pigai be prosecuted legally," said Adi.

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