JAKARTA - Lawyer Yusril Ihza Mahendra has spoken out regarding allegations of receiving a fee of Rp100 billion to serve as attorneys for four Democrat Party cadres who were sacked by the Chairman of the Democratic Party, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY).

Instead of making such accusations, according to Yusril, the Democratic Party for AHY can respect the ongoing legal process. For information, the lawyer who is also an expert in constitutional law becomes the legal representative to submit a judicial review of the Democrat Party's articles of association and household budget (AD/ART) to the Supreme Court (MA).

"This is the Democratic Party, it should uphold democracy. You keep saying that Yusril was paid Rp100 billion, that's how it is. So it's not academically intellectual at all," Yusril said as quoted from an online discussion on YouTube, Monday, October 4.

"So (if, ed) Mr. SBY (Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono) said 'I'm concerned', yes I'm concerned to hear someone talk like that. Never mind Mr. SBY, I'm just concerned with how to respond like that," he added.

Yusril said that his involvement in this polemic was not his first experience dealing with conflicts within political parties. He has been asked to become a lawyer for a senior Golkar politician, Aburizal Bakrie, who has legal problems with Agung Laksono.

In addition, Yusril also admitted that he had been Djan Faridz's attorney to deal with Romahurmuzy when there was an internal conflict in PPP.

So, he advised that the Democratic Party led by AHY should fight in court instead of making certain accusations, including if he received Rp100 billion in money.

According to him, the issue is not very substantial with the case being discussed. He said the Supreme Court would also not care about such issues.

"This is just my advice, not teaching, yes, to the Democratic Party, be prepared to face arguments in the Supreme Court. Not to make issues, Yusril is paid Rp100 billion for all kinds of things," said Yusril.

The Supreme Court, he continued, would not care about the issue of how much a lawyer pays to accompany someone in a trial. "Speaking like that if you get a response makes it difficult. So I think just leave it alone, don't respond. If I say no, people don't believe it. If I say yes, people don't believe it either," said Yusril.

"How much he is paid, it depends on the agreement. If you want Rp1 billion, want Rp2 billion, Rp100 billion, you can do it for free. All of that is halalan thoyiban. Halal and thoyib. Why are the commissions being questioned, why are people's fortunes being questioned," he added.

The issue of the Rp100 billion payment was raised by the Deputy of Bappilu DPP for the Democratic Party, Kamhar Lakumani. He said that Yusril's attitude in submitting the application for the JR AD/ART of the Democratic Party to the Supreme Court was a tainted act.

In fact, Kamhar accused Yusril of wanting to do it because he was paid money and asked for the mine to be secured because it was operating without a permit. So, what the lawyer did was not purely a statesman.

"Yusril's intentions, which have been tainted, appear like a statesman who fights for democracy, but what is read by the public and crowded in the mass media and social media is that the motive is a payment of Rp. 100 billion, and the security of its coal mine which has been operating without proper permits in Penajam Paser Utara, the location of the new State Capital," said Kamhar.

"Not to mention there is a tax problem with his mining company in South Lampung, which pays taxes through unscrupulous persons," he said again.

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