PALEMBANG - Investigators from the South Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati Sumsel) have named three new suspects in the alleged corruption case in the grant funds for the construction of the Sriwijaya Grand Mosque.

The Head of the Legal Information Section for the South Sumatra Prosecutor's Office, Khaidirman, said the three were named suspects after an intensive examination by investigators for eight hours on the sixth floor of the South Sumatra High Court building.

The suspects are Loka Sangganegara as Project Manager/team leader of PT Indah Karya in building the Sriwijaya Mosque and Agustinus Toni, the former Head of the Budget Section of BPKAD).

Then Akhmad Najib who is a former Assistant I for Government, Welfare of the South Sumatra Provincial Government as well as Secretary of the Sriwijaya Mosque Construction Committee.

"They have been named as suspects related to the main duties and functions of their positions in the case of the Sriwijaya Mosque construction," he said, quoted by Antara, Friday, October 1.

Furthermore, the suspect, handcuffed, was taken in a car from the South Sumatra Prosecutor's Office to immediately undergo detention at the Class 1A Pakjo Detention Center, Palembang for the next 20 days.

"Two have been taken to the detention center, but for the suspect Akhmad Najib, his health condition is still being examined at the South Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office building," he said.

The suspects were charged with Article 2 in conjunction with Article 18 of Law Number 20 of 2001 jo. Article 55 of the Criminal Code and its subsidiary Article 3 jo. Article 18 No. 20/2001 jo. Article 55 Paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code.

In the case of alleged corruption in grant funds for the construction of the Sriwijaya Grand Mosque, the South Sumatra High Court has now named six suspects and six defendants.

Other suspects are Alex Noerdin (former Governor of South Sumatra), Muddai Madang (former Treasurer of the Sriwijaya Mosque Waqf Foundation), Laoma L Tobing (former Head of BPKAD).

Meanwhile, six people have been named as defendants and have been tried by the Palembang District Court, namely Ahmad Nasuhi (former Acting Head of the People's Welfare Bureau of the South Sumatra Regional Secretariat) and Mukti Sulaiman (former Regional Secretary and chairman of the TAPD Regional Government Budget Team).

Then Eddy Hermanto (former Chairman of the Sriwijaya Mosque Construction), Dwi Kridayani (KSO PT Brantas Abipraya - Yodya Karya), Syarifudin (Head of the Auction Division for the Construction of the Sriwijaya Mosque) and Yudi Arminto (Project Manager of PT Brantas Abipraya).

In this case, they are alleged to have caused state losses of Rp. 113 billion out of a total of Rp. 130 billion in grant money for the construction of the Sriwijaya Mosque.

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