JAKARTA - Presidential Special Staff Agkie Yudhistia said the achievement of COVID-19 vaccination in six provinces in six Java-Bali provinces had reached 95 percent in the first dose.

"The first dose of vaccination for six provinces, namely Banten, West Java, Central Java, DI Yogyakarta, East Java, and Bali, has been running for 95 percent. And currently, dose 2 is continuing," Angkie said in a written statement, Friday, October 1.

Angkie said the number of vaccinated persons and their companions who have been vaccinated has reached 225.000 people. Thus, herd immunity for persons with disabilities has been established.

"This cannot be separated from the collaboration of the Central Government of the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Ministry of Health, and the Ministry of Home Affairs. Thank you, Mrs. Minister and her staff and the Social Service Office for working very well because all data is centralized in the Ministry of Social Affairs through the Social Service," said Angkie.

Continuing, Social Minister Tri Rismaharini said, accelerating vaccination for people with disabilities has become a priority because people with disabilities are one of the groups most vulnerable to being exposed to the coronavirus.

However, she made a special note. Risma received a report that there are still many families of people with disabilities who do not want to be vaccinated.

"There are still many families with disabilities who do not want to vaccinate because they are still afraid. This is our homework. We will continue to do socialization," said the Minister of Social Affairs.

It is known that the acceleration of vaccination for persons with disabilities has been stated in the Circular Letter of the Ministry of Health No. HK.02.01/MENKES/598/2021 concerning the Acceleration of the Implementation of COVID-19 Vaccination for the Elderly, People with Disabilities, and Educators and Education Personnel.

The Ministry of Social Affairs cooperates with the Ministry of Home Affairs for data collection and registration of the ID Number (NIK) of persons with disabilities obtained from Balai, Social Welfare Institutions (LKS) for Persons with Disabilities, Regional Technical Implementation Units (UPTD), and Social Services.

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