JAKARTA – The actions of the robbers are getting more and more terrible. A house on Jalan Kramat Batu Dalam, South Gandaria, Cilandak, South Jakarta became the victim of robbery by several people claiming to be electrical installation officers. Smoothly carrying out the action, the robbers managed to steal the victim's jewelry and land certificates.

According to information, Prishilla Afita (27), the theft occurred on Wednesday, September 29, yesterday. The perpetrator claimed to be a PLN officer who came to his house at around 10.15 WIB. When the incident took place, Prishilla was attending a zoom meeting in her room.

"(The perpetrator) knocked on the fence and shouted, excuse me ma'am. I peeked from the bedroom window, the person had entered (passed) the fence," he told reporters, Thursday, September 30.

The two men were then met by the household assistant (ART). From ART's confession to Prishilla, these two men claimed to be PLN officers.

The perpetrator had time to chat with residents of the house, and other perpetrators checked the house network cables. Not long after, continued Prishilla, ART entered the house. When he was about to return to the front, the ART was surprised to see one of the bedroom doors open.

Seen, the wardrobe door in the room is also open and the safe containing gold jewelry, diamonds, and 4 land certificates, has been lost.

Apparently, continued Prishilla, when the two perpetrators were talking with ART to check the cable, without realizing it, someone had sneaked into the room.

"There were about 4 suspected perpetrators. So, two of them chatted with household members to divert attention, then one or two other perpetrators entered the house," she said. . When this ART was about to come to Prishilla's house, she found someone carrying a box that looked like a safe.

Prishilla also reported the theft to the South Jakarta Metro Police on Wednesday, September 29, yesterday afternoon. The South Jakarta Metro Police Satreskrim have also visited the scene of the incident to carry out a case investigation (TKP).

"The loss of 4 land certificates and jewelry worth Rp 300 million," he said.

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